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Rosja to kraj, które równie często wywołuje niechęć co zachwyt.
Jedni twierdzą, że nie jest tam bezpiecznie, że na każdym kroku można zostać okradzionym, że na Placu Czerwonym celowo rzuca się pod nogi turystom banknoty 100USD, żeby móc ich aresztować za kradzież jeśli tylko się skuszą, że wszystko jest obłędnie drogie, szczególnie noclegi w Moskwie.
Dla innych Rosja, to największy kraj na świecie z najwspanialszym baletem, dwoma turystycznymi ikonami, czyli Moskwą i Petersburgiem oraz olbrzymimi połaciami stepów, tajgi, i jezior, często nieskażonych jeszcze obecnością człowieka.
Każdy wyjazd do Rosji wiąże się z koniecznością uzyskania wizy, co w przypadku akurat tego kraju nie jest proste. Poza podstawowymi dokumentami, takimi jak paszport i wypełniony wniosek, niezbędne jest także posiadanie ubezpieczenia oraz vouchera turystycznego dla wizy turystycznej lub zaproszenia dla wizy biznesowej.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_row_inner content_placement=”middle”][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”382″ img_size=”380×260″ onclick=”link_image”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”381″ img_size=”380×260″ onclick=”link_image”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_single_image image=”706″ img_size=”380×260″ onclick=”link_image”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row_content_no_spaces” el_id=”123″ el_class=”insurance-third-row”][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_row_inner el_class=”left-column-form”][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text el_class=”ubezpieczenia-formularz”]

Wybierz rodzaj wizy. Pośrednictwo od 89PLN

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  • Visa Single and Double Business (business trip, business meetings, issued for up to 90 days, expiration dates must match the dates in the invitation)
  • Visa Multiple Business (business trip, interviews, business meetings, issued on the dates specified in the visa application, the maximum residence time is 180 days per year)
  • Visa Tourist (trip for tourist purposes, issued for a period of up to 30 days, expiration dates must be the same as the dates in the tourist voucher)
  • Visa Private (travel to visit family or friends, issued for up to 90 days, expiration dates must be the same as the dates in invitation)

[/vc_column_text][contact-form-7 404 "Not Found"][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1550139978821{padding-bottom: 30px !important;}”]Send the attachment using the main contact form HERE[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text el_class=”documents-block item-1-3″]

Documents required:

1. completed on line and signed application form [download]
2. passport (original) valid for a minimum of 6 months after the date of the end the trip
3. color photo (3.5×4.5 cm, uniform, bright background, 70-80% face, taken in the last 6 months)
4. travel insurance (treatment costs for a minimum of 30,000 EUR for the whole world) for the period of validity of the visa
5. hotel booking for the entire visa validity period
6. tourist voucher
If you don’t have a hotel reservation or a voucher, ask our consultant 533 450 533

Important information

  • The visa is issued on the dates stated in the application, as the date of entry and exit.
  • The consulate has the right to refuse a visa, change the requested number of entries, change the visa validity period without giving a reason.
  • The visa processing time is given on working days of the consulate.
  • Visas up to 14 days stay – the hotel needs to be booked for the entire stay
  • Visas over 14 days of stay – required proof (the bill) of the paid hotel reservation for at least half of the planned stay

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Documents required:

1. completed on line and signed application form [download]
2. passport (original) valid for a minimum of 6 months after the date of the end of the trip
3. color photo (3.5×4.5 cm, uniform, bright background, 70-80% face, taken in the last 6 months)
4. travel insurance (treatment costs for a minimum of 30,000 EUR for the whole world) for the period of validity of the visa
5. invitation letter issued by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs or a Russian company

Important information

  • The visa is issued on the dates stated in the application as the date of entry and exit.
  • The consulate has the right to refuse a visa, change the requested number of entries, change the visa validity period without giving a reason.
  • The visa processing time is given on working days of the consulate.

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Important information:

1. completed on line and signed application form [download]
2. passport (original) valid for a minimum of 6 months after the date of the end of the trip
3. color photo (3.5×4.5 cm, uniform, bright background, 70-80% face, taken in the last 6 months)
4. travel insurance (treatment costs for a minimum of 30,000 EUR for the whole world) for the period of validity of the visa
5. valid invitation letter to Russia confirmed by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs [download invitations templates]

Ważne informacje

  • The visa is issued on the dates stated in the application as the date of entry and exit.
  • The consulate has the right to refuse a visa, change the requested number of entries, change the visa validity period without giving a reason.
  • The visa processing time is given on working days of the consulate.

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1. What is a Tourist Voucher?
Tourist voucher is like an invitation to a tourist visa. If you don’t have a voucher, only a hotel reservation, we can issue a voucher for you. The voucher will contain the hotel that you have previously booked.

2. What is the delivery fee?
It is a fee for the office which accepts documents for applying for a visa to Russia on behalf of the consulate. It is not possible to submit documents directly at the consulate.

3. How fast can you get a tourist voucher for a visa to Russia?
The tourist voucher can be received on the day of placing the order.

4. What documents do I need to get a visa to Russia?
Passport, photo, completed on line and signed visa application, tourist voucher or invitation and insurance.

5. Do all fields in the visa application to Russia have to be filled in?
All fields that are required for the selected type of visa should be completed. If you need help with completing the application, please contact us 533 450 533

6. For how long are tourist visas to Russia issued?
A tourist visa to Russia is obtained for a maximum of 30 days. It usually entitles you to one entry into Russia.

7. Is the tourist voucher the same as hotel reservation?
Tourist voucher is not the same as a hotel reservation. If you already have a voucher, the issuing company should also make a hotel reservation. If you don’t have it, you can get it using our help.

8. Can I buy just the tourist voucher, because I want to get a visa myself?
Yes, you can buy just tourist voucher in our office.

9. I want to go to relatives to Russia. What visa should I apply for, private or tourist?
Private visas are issued only on the basis of an invitation confirmed by the Russian Foreign Ministry at the request of the inviting person. If we do not have such an invitation, it is best to apply for a tourist visa.

10. Does the business invitation to Russia have to be in the original?
When applying for a business visa once or twice, just a copy of the invitation (good quality scan)is enough. However, if you apply for a multiple business visa, you must have the original invitation.

11. I am running out of a business visa to Russia, can it be extended?
Unfortunately, the extension of the visa is not possible. You should apply for the next visa with new documents.

12. Can I apply for a multiple visa to Russia?
In order to apply for a multiple-entry visa to Russia, you should have traveled earlier to this country in the current or previous year.

13. I will be transferring at the airport in Moscow, do I need a transit visa?
Without a visa, you can stay in the airport transit zone up to 12 hours, but remember that you can not leave this zone.

14. For which visas to Russia do you need a certificate that you are not HIV positive?
A certificate of non-HIV status is needed when applying for work and study visas.

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